The Apple watch has now been made accessible to the general public and has been met with mixed reviews. Unlike most of Apple's previously mass sold technology, the Apple watch is not suited for technological novices. It has a steep learning curve that involves a lot of tweaking of software and settings in order for the watch to sufficiently serve peoples desired needs.
But, regardless of peoples ability to alter the foundations of he technology behind the watch, consumers have noted that there is just enough success to encourage companies such as Apple to continue in the field of wearable technology. The watch allows us to take a step back from our phone screens. It allows a quick glance at texts and notifications instead of a prolonged search on ones phone.
The watch suggests a lot of potential, but it remains vastly different then an actual iPhone on ones wrist. It has a different set of input mechanisms.There is no full screen,so voice command is necessary. This means that there is an increased reliance of SiRi, who often gets things right just as much as she gets them wrong. There is a different software design then the phone and remains different from the iPhones we are use to using every day. The Apple Watch had much predicted success and has seen limited. It will remain to be seen if wearable technology becomes a mass consumed idea.
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